Operation Hope: No-Cost Credit and Money Management Counseling
Through collaborations with financial partners, Operation HOPE, a global financial dignity and economic empowerment nonprofit headquartered in Atlanta, offers resources and education on credit and money management to the metro Atlanta community through no-cost workshops and one-on-one credit counseling services. Meghan Cook, a financial wellbeing coach with Operation HOPE, has provided programming through the Westside Resource Center (WRC) since July 2016; serving 40 people from the Westside community to date, with many continuing with one-on-one credit counseling after the initial workshop. Interest in the workshops and credit counseling is steadily growing each month as the Westside community becomes more aware of this program.
Over the past few months, the Westside Resource Center (WRC) has hosted workshops by Atlanta Habitat for Humanity and Georgia Tech Human Resources, but the most popular thus far is Operation HOPE’s Credit and Money Management workshop.
Dr. Sheri Davis-Faulkner, completed the workshop last year and participates in one-on-one sessions to work towards improving her credit score. “I really appreciate that they take time to work through complicated financial issues with me and they even offered to contact the companies that frustrate me the most,” she said.
With the start of the New Year, the WRC is expanding its workshop offerings to include Operation HOPE’s Small Business Development program. This workshop opens doors to other opportunities such as Operation HOPE’s Entrepreneurial Training Program and technical assistance for businesses. If you have goals of owning your own business, buying a home, saving for retirement, or anything else requiring savings or a better credit score, please join us at our next Credit and Money Management workshop on Wednesday, March 8 at 2:30 p.m.
The WRC is located at 907 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive NW and is sponsored by the Westside Communities Alliance (Georgia Tech), Hagar CTM, the Atlanta Community