Voices From the Community
Click the above link to view Community Resilience Video highlighted at the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute ( ACER ) Understanding Resilience in Undeserved Communities 2017 annual conference. The presentation received standing ovations for the presentation of a community driven transformational model. It was indeed an honor to have our project selected by the academic community.
Thank you Dr. Yomi , Mother Moore, Lynn Young, Monica Robinson and our dynamic Project ENACT Team , Rev. Johnson, Jessie Wiles and Frank Fernandez for your confidence and encouragement, and support of Project ENACT, AHA Choice Gwen Weddington for supporting the continuation of this great work and to our residents whom completed training and implemented our door to door campaign. Now we must respond to what we found and need all hands were on deck and those whom may be willing to support our vision of this community directed pilot program. Project ENACT (Evaluate Needs, Act to Connect and Train).
Thank You for your support as we learn to