
The Gentrification Wars Kindle Edition by Ofari Hutchinson, Earl

In The Gentrification Wars, political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson takes a penetrating look at the hot button issues in the gentrification battle. He assesses the impact of gentrification on the politics and economics of cities, race relations, urban history, and its divisive and contentious consequences for urban communities. The Gentrification Wars is a balanced examination of a controversial issue that has and will continue to have a major impact on the future shape of urban communities. And most importantly, what that shape will mean for the people in those communities.…

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Shrinking Thinking

Author:  Jesse Phillips Some people say “less is more” and other people say “less is just less.” Two major roads on the Historic Westside are about to get a facelift with aesthetic and pedestrian improvements while being narrowed down from four lanes to two. Why are they doing this, and what are the implications? I spoke to some neighbors and city employees (and did a lot of googling) to find out. First, here are the projects:   1) Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Mayor Reed has said MLK Drive should…

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